Department of Management
The conference is organized by the Department of Management at the UNWE and by Bulgarian Academic Simulation And Gaming Association (BASAGA). It is also technically co-sponsored by IEEE Young Profesionals Bulgaria, Data Science Society, Financial Engineering Solutions, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Business Excellence Center at UNWE and Eudaimonia Production Ltd.
The conference it is meant to be vanguard bound, free choice based, without parallel sessions, heavily discussion oriented, improvised, low cost.
It is expected, without being obligatory, that every participant prepares expressive presentations on vanguard topics in the wide scope of management. If you are unable to participate personally, these are the alternative options: 1) Participate via video-conference - through the official zoom channel of the conference 2) send a poster(PPT, DOC or PDF format), which would be appraised and discussed by the participants at the conference; 3) send a video-poster (short video, showing the main points of your presentation), for which you would also receive a feedback.
Some of the proceedings of the conference, the ones with the most vanguard spirit and with the high scientific level will be published as articles in a volume of the electronic journal “VANGUARD SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS IN MANAGEMENT” (ISSN 1314-0582) on the specially designed website After the end of the conference the authors, selected for publishing will be specifically notified that their texts are accepted for publishing for a special issue, registered in Scopus and Web of Science. The authors are expected to submit full texts of the papers in english shortly after the conference (around 30 November).
Papers with high scientific and vanguard level presented live and discussed at the conference are accepted for publishing, presuming that the authors have reflected all questions, comments and ideas from the conference discussion. Papers not presented at the conference and ones which failed to reflect the feedback, follow the procedure of blind peer review before publishing. The requirements and instructions for submitting the papers for publishing/review in the automated online system are available at
We are expecting your applications at no later than 23 August 2024 and it should contain at least the following information: title of the paper, key words, authors, contact information. Participants who would need an invitation to obtain visa for EU should additionally contact us (no later than 30. May 2024). The participation fee is €60 or 120 BGN. Additional payment after the conference would be required for the papers selected to be published in the special issue. Deadline for payment is 31. August 2024 at the bank account of the conference, (please click on the box below).
Conference fee per attendant
Click here for bank payment details
Note: Representatives of UNWE, BASAGA, all commetee members and all students are exempt from paying fee.
Prof. Eng. PhD Angel Marchev - chairman
Prof. PhD Tzvetana Stoyanova
Prof. PhD Georgi Chankov
Prof. PhD Mihail Motzev
Prof. PhD Teodor Sedlarski
Prof. PhD Septemvrina Kostova
Prof. PhD Tamara Teplova
Prof. Eng. PhD Boyan Lomev
Prof. PhD Kaloyan Haralampiev
Prof. PhD Stanimir Kabaivanov
Prof. Eng. PhD Alexander Efremov
Prof. PhD Gurjeet Dhesi
Prof. PhD Ling Xiao
Prof. PhD Philip Stoyanov
Prof. PhD Atanas Atanasov
Prof. PhD Angel Marchev, Jr.
Prof. dr. math. sci. Mladen Savov
Prof. PhD Nikolay Hinov
Prof. PhD Mariyan Milev
Prof. Eng. PhD Nadya Mironova
Prof. PhD Matilda Alexandrova
Prof. PhD Violeta Kasarova
Prof. dr. sci. Maya Lambovska
Prof. PhD Mariana Kuzmanova
Prof. PhD Georgi Chankov
Prof. PhD Kiril Georgiev
Prof. PhD Boryana Bogdanova
Prof. PhD Kamen Petrov
Prof. PhD Miglena Angelova
Prof. PhD Tania Kicheva
Discussion topic: Longevity and Transhumanism
Opening of the conference - Angel Marchev Sr.
Overcoming Polarization Through Transhumanism - Gennady Stolyarov II
Big data for longevity. The role of LLM - Didier Coeurnelle
Promoting research, development and education for healthy longevity internationally - Ilia Stambler
Questions to Transhumanism - Taniu Kolev, Zhivko Kolev
Longevity and Transhumanism in Bulgaria, Statment on L&T-2024 - Angel Marchev Sr.
Discussion topic: Artificial intelligence and Self-Organization
MSSP. Paradigm change - Angel Marchev Sr., Angel Marchev Jr.
Composite Criteria for Model Selection and Validation in Statistical Learning Networks - Mihail Motzev
Discussion topic: Artificial intelligence and Self-Organization
Applying Neuro Evolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) in playing Sokoban puzzle game - Dimitar Lyubchev, Nikolay Penchev, Angel Marchev Jr
On the Application of Neural Networks in Credit Scoring: A Case-study Analysis - Nikolay Penchev, Angel Marchev Jr.
Methodological Approaches for Multidimensional Personal Data Creation - Vasil Marchev, Angel Marchev, Jr, Alexander Efremov, Boyan Markov, Dimitar Lyubchev, Milena Piryankova, Daniel Masarliev, Valentin Mitkov
Artificial intelligence in Trade - Septemvrina Kostova, Kostadin Kostov
AI influence on the higher education: challenges and perspectives - Ina Stanoeva
Linguistics, Language Models and Alphabets - Mihail Motzev, Ophelia Pamukchieva
Discussion topic: Modeling complex systems
Optimizing the Level of Aggregation in IFRS 17 Reporting Through K-Means Technique - Lalka Stoeva
Estimating mediation and moderation effects using Amos on SPSS - Zhelyu Vladimirov
Main trends in the expectations and attitudes of newly admitted students at the Faculty of Philosophy of Sofia University - Kaloyan Haralampiev *
Virtual organization and holocracy - Gergana Kalcheva
Artificial Neural Networks for Reconstruction of Images - Mariyan Milev, Kostadin Yotov
Drone Signature Classification - Viktor Doychev, Plamena Kalaydzhieva, Kostadinka Stanimirova
Cascading AHP model for evaluation of technology start-up companies", Andrey Ruskov, Elena Koleva
Bulgarian Building Game - Stanislav Darachev
Predictive Modeling of Financial Institution Clients Using Deep Neural Networks - Radoslav Keremidchiev
The conference hall
Gaming room
Discussion topic: Current Topics in Business Management
9:30 Presenting the book "Death of the Death" in Bulgarian - Jose Cordeiro, David Wood *
Monkeys in the Office: Evolutionary Reflections on Contemporary Organizational Behavior - Svetlozar Manasiev, Emanuil Manasiev
Optimizing individual performance within the organization - Alexander Balabanov
Harnessing EEG for Better Understanding of Risk Management in Trading - Boyan Markov
Balance between growth and profit. Changing strategies in the modern business landscape - Dilyana Karova
Talent Academy for Students - A Comprehensive Framework - Petar Petrov
Return to the office - myth or reality - Tatyana Kicheva (poster)
Informal discussions & networking in groups
Discussion topic: Public Policies
Tenacity of Transhumanism - Natasha Vita More
Between Knowledge, Family and Work: University Freshers at the Crossroads - Dimitar Blagoev *
Global challenges to regional policy and regional development - Kamen Petrov, Nikolai Tzonkov
Overview of management strategy in the utilities sector in the water supply companies in Bulgaria - Stanislav Darachev
Overview of the energy sector in Bulgaria - Radoslav Rusinov
Machine Learning Approach for prediction of C02 Certificate Prices - Boyan Davidov
Leadership and the Bulgarian Political Crysis (2021 - 2024) - Deyan Paskalev
EU Representation in online media - Deyan Paskalev
Promoting Rock-cut Cave Monasteries Sustainable Tourism - Milka Semova (poster)
All events of the conference will be held at the
UNWE Study & Relaxation Center in Ravda, approx.
30 km. north of Burgas at the Black Sea Coast.
The best travel option is to fly to Burgas International
Airport. On your request you will receive more details on
transportation from Sofia and/or Burgas to Ravda.
For your convenience here is the contact information of some nearby
hotels (also click on the links),
and of course every participant should find the best suitable accommodation for him/herself. / Ravda / September
AirBnB / Ravda / September
Trivago / Ravda / September
UNWE Study & Relaxation Center
2 Kraybrezhna Street,
Ravda, Bulgaria
The ultimate topical directions of the conference will be précised based on the proposed presentations. We are open to any suggestion. So far, the following could be indicated (click to expand):
• Contemporary opportunities for longevity and transhumanist’s R&D
• Transhumanism: Let’s do it!
• Radical Life Extension
• Personal Enhancement
• Mind Uploading
• AI and Transhumanism
• Education on Longevity and Transhumanism
• Emerging ethical, legal, sociological, technological issues
• Vanguard technologies, entrepreneurship and investments
• Rapid digitalization of Global education
• AI in the loop
• New educational reality of 21 century
• The teacher: from systematization authority to motivational facilitator
• Docendo discimus: learning by teaching
• The emerging non-paper textbook
• E-communications with the trainees
• E-education applied in business
• The flipped classroom
• Gaming layer around the World
• Applications of game dynamics
• Transforming of work environment to gaming reality
• Gamification
• Virtual gaming worlds
• The business of game development
• Fuzzy approaches
• Chaos theory and fractals
• Multi-stage selection
• Evolutional algorithms
• Neural Networks
• Prompt Engineering
• Models of investors
• Automation and AI in investments
• Evaluating investment securities
• Numerical methods for investment problems
• Implementation of efficient investment solutions
• Complex Adaptive Systems
• Active and passive adaptivity
• Decisions under risk and uncertainty
• Automated decision making
• Holonization and virtual organizations
• Self-perfecting organizations
• Business applications of cybernetic theory
• Methods for business analysis: a new reading
• Leadership and emotional intelligence
• Vanguard ideas in project and process management
• Start-up Evaluation
If you have any questions (regarding the travel, accommodation,
visa, etc.) You could contact us. Any additional ideas for the
conference are welcome. We are expecting your suggestions and
Phone: +359888444062
Angel Marchev
Angel Marchev, Jr.