
VIII International & Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference

vanguard scientific instruments in management '2015

09-13 September 2015


(Black Sea Coast)


University of National and World Economy

Department of Management

University of National and World Economy

Department of Management

Bulgarian Academic Simulation And Gaming Association

Friday Night Seminar Club

Bulgarian Academic Simulation And Gaming Association

Friday Night Seminar Club

This conference is also technically co-sponsored by

Financial Engineering Solutions

Financial Engineering Solutions

Computational Methods for Quantitative Finance

IEEE Young Professionals Bulgaria

IEEE Young Professionals

Affinity Group of Bulgaria

Data Science Society

Data Science Society

Learn and share knowledge, be part of our industry meetups. Connect with other experts, help each other.

Eudaimonia Production Ltd.

Eudaimonia Production Ltd.

Producing Video, Audio, Text, Image,


The conference is organized by the Department of Management at the UNWE and by Bulgarian Academic Simulation And Gaming Association (BASAGA). It is also technically co-sponsored by IEEE Young Profesionals Bulgaria, Data Science Society, Financial Engineering Solutions and Eudaimonia Production Ltd.
The conference it is meant to be vanguard bound, free choice based, without parallel sessions, heavily discussion oriented, improvised, low cost.


It is expected, without being obligatory, that every participant prepares expressive presentations on vanguard topics in the wide area of management. If you are unable to participate personally, these are the alternative options: 1) send a poster(PPT, DOC or PDF format), which would be appraised and disscussed by the participants at the conference; 2) send a video-poster (short video, showing the main points of your presentation), for which you would also receive a feedback; 3) participate via video-conference (the most preferable option), should you chose to use it the technical details would be arranged additionally.


The proceedings of the conference will be published as articles in a volume of the electronic journal “VANGUARD SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS IN MANAGEMENT” (ISSN 1314-0582) on a compact disk and on the specially designed website http://vsim-journal.info. The authors are expected to submit full texts of the papers shortly after the conference (around 30 October). Papers presented and discussed at the conference are accepted for publishing, presuming that the authors would reflect all questions, comments and ideas from the conference disscussion. Papers not presented at the conference and ones which failed to reflect the feedback, follow the procedure of blind peer review before publishing. The requirements and instructions for submitting the papers for publishing/review in the automated online system (at http://vsim-journal.info) would be given around the dates of the conference.


We are expecting your applications on http://bit.ly/vsim-conf no later than 10 August 2015 and it should contain at least the following information: title of the paper, key words, authors, contact information. Participants who would need an invitation to obtain visa for EU should additionally contact us (no later than 15. July 2015). The participation fee is €25. Deadline for payment is 05. September 2015, click on the box →).

Conference fee per attendant


Click for bank payment details

  • Unicredit Bulbank
  • IBAN:BG49UNCR70001520086964
  • Eudaimonia Production Ltd.
  • for VSIM:15 conference
apply now

Note: Representatives of organizing and co-sponsoring partners and all students are exempt from paying fee


To download the programme in .txt file, click here


All events of the conference will be held at the
UNWE Study & Relaxation Center in Ravda, approx.
30 km. north of Burgas at the Black Sea Coast.
The best travel option is to fly to Burgas International
Airport. On your request you will receive more details on
transportation from Sofia and/or Burgas to Ravda. For your
convenience here is the contact information of some nearby
hotels (also click on the links), and of course every attendant
finds best suitable accommodation for him/herself.
Family Hotel Excelsior phone: +359 88 641 6689
Hotel Bijou phone: +359 554 66651
Family Hotel Iceberg phone: +359 88 650 5570
Hotel Panorama phone: +359 88 615 3233
Family Hotel Blian phone: +359 88 930 7003
Hotel Daniel House phone: +359 89 993 2132

UNWE Study & Relaxation Center
2 Kraybrezhna Street,
Ravda, Bulgaria


If you have any questions (regarding the travel, accommodation,
visa, etc.) You could contact us. Any additional ideas for the
conference are welcome. We are expecting your suggestions and
Phone: +359888444062
E-mail: avangard_conf@yahoo.com

Angel Marchev
Angel Marchev, Jr.